Holmes County Website - State of Ohio

Recorder - Announcements











Announcement (11/25/2019):

The policy shown below became effective December 2, 2019.

If you submit more than one document after 3:50 p.m. please be advised that your documents may not be recorded until the following business day. We may hold documents in order to review them for compliance with Ohio document recording standards, correct check amounts, notary acknowledgements, required stamps from other county offices, etc. Leaving your documents does not guarantee they will be recorded the next day. Should we discover any errors, the documents will be returned to you unrecorded. If you do not wish to leave your documents with us, please submit them the following day leaving sufficient time for us to check them and record them before the cutoff time.


Announcement (8/20/2019):

RECORDING FEE INCREASE: Effective October 17, 2019 recording fees for most documents will increase by $6.00 due to the passage of HB 166 by the Ohio Legislature. The new recording fee will be $34.00 for the first two pages plus $8.00 for each additional page. Recording fees for plats and UCC's will not change.  For additional information see Ohio Revised Code 317.32 and 317.36.

Announcement (4/1/2009):

Ohio Revised Code Section 317.24(B)(2) - effective April 6, 2009. This law makes military discharges no longer a public record. Only an authorized party will be able to request non-redacted copies in the recorder's office.

The following are considered authorized parties:

· The person who is the subject of the discharge;
· A county veterans service officer;
· An attorney-in-fact, agent or other representative of the person who is the subject of the discharge;
· A person authorized by a court;
· An executor or administrator, or heir, if the subject of record is deceased;
· A funeral director;

A discharge is not a public record for a period of 75 years after the date of the recording.

The County Recorder's office shall make the record of discharge available only to an authorized party.

A person who is not an authorized party may request to view or copy the discharge. Upon such a request, the Recorder's office shall redact everything but the name, rank, date of birth, date of discharge and type of discharge.


Announcement (3/20/2009):

Ohio Revised Code Section 317.114 - document standards. This law went into effect July 1, 2009 and sets the following guidelines for documents recorded:

· Computer font size of at least ten;
· Minimum paper size – 8-1/2 x 11; Maximum paper size – 8-1/2 x 14;
· Black or blue ink only;
· No use of highlighting;
· Margins of 1 inch on each side of the page and on the bottom;
· 3 inch margin on the top of the first page, reserved for recorder, auditor and engineer;
· 1-1/2 inch margin on the top of each of the remaining pages.

The Recorder shall accept a non-conforming document for recording but can collect the following additional fees: $10.00 for the Recorder's services and $10.00 for the Ohio Housing Trust Fund.
This law does not apply to the following:

· Any document from any court or taxing authority;
· Plats;
· DD214's;
· Any state or federal document;
· Any document executed before the effective date of this law.