Holmes County Website - State of Ohio

Juvenile Court Menu

Custody, Visitation and Parentage

A Filing Fee of $63.00 (per child) for Custody, Visitation or Parentage actions is due at the time of filing.  Please be prepared to pay this amount.  

A separate complaint/motion must be completed for EACH child.  Fill out the forms completely and entirely.  The Juvenile Court Clerks may not help you complete the forms.  Incomplete forms WILL NOT be accepted.


Complaint for Parentage, Allocation of Parental Rights and Responsibilities (Custody) and Parenting Time (Companionship and Visitation).  Use the below instructions and forms.

Motion for Change of Parental Rights and Responsibilities (Custody).  Use the below instructions and forms.

Motion for Change of Parenting Time (Companionship and Visitation). Use the below instructions and forms.

Motion for Contempt and Affidavit. Use the below instructions and forms.

Motion to Intervene. Use the below instructions and forms.

Grandparent Power of Attorney.

Caretaker Authorization Affidavit.

Unknown Address Affidavit. To file with complaint or motion if address of party is unknown.

Certificate of Service.  If a party is unrepresented by counsel and wishes to file a document with the Court, the party must also serve a copy of the document to the other parties in the case.  The party would then need to complete and file a certificate of service showing proof the document was served.
