Holmes County Website - State of Ohio

GIS - Governance


The Holmes County GIS is a department managed by the Holmes County Consortium, an entity created by the Holmes County Board of Commissioners on March 8, 2004 for the sole purpose of developing and maintaining a comprehensive geographic information system (GIS) for Holmes County, Ohio.

The GIS Consortium is broken into two main components; the Governing Board and an administrative subset called the Executive Committee.

  • Auditor (Executive Committee)
  • Engineer (Executive Committee)
  • Soil & Water Conservation District (Executive Committee)
  • Sheriff
  • Health District
  • Emergency Management Agency
  • Tax Map Office
  • E911
  • Job and Family Services
  • Sewer District

The Holmes County GIS has been run by the Director, Erik Parker, since its original creation in 2004. The Director coordinates the GIS activities of Consortium members and helps to guide the overall approach to the GIS development to ensure efficient use of resources and the best quality product possible to all GIS consumers both internal and external.